Lucky Card is an enjoyable card game in which you will be shown 24 cards that you must try to remember. After a couple of seconds, those cards will be shuffled and put face down. Then, you will be shown one card and you must guess whether the following card is higher or lower in rank, one at the time. The rank goes from A to 2 in descending order. If you remember the cards dealt, you will have more chances of winning. For every correct card you guess, you will be given points, but if you miss three times the game will be instantaneously over. Moreover, if you manage to provide three consecutive right answers, you will get a bonus.
The game features simple graphics and sounds, and pleasant music. When the game is over, you will be able to publish your score on multiple social sites and even send it by email. You can play the game in full screen, which I don't recommend because the quality is poor, or even directly from your web browser.
In short, if you are looking for an enjoyable card game to pass the time, Lucky Card may be a good choice.